
Can you really enjoy spring cleaning? First go for a walk!

5 Ways to Enjoy Spring Cleaning It is time to purge, open the windows and get into those hard-to-reach corners. What’s spring cleaning without moving furniture and getting right in there? We’ve been waiting many long months to reopen our homes to the fresh air, the sounds of nature, and the ability to clear out [...]

Can you really enjoy spring cleaning? First go for a walk!2023-05-03T11:03:35-04:00

Preventing Spring Injuries and Helping Ankles With Chiropractic

Prevent Spring Injuries With These Tips Winter is over, and after months of remaining indoors, your body may require some warming up to get back into being more physically active. Without preventative measures, coming out of hibernation too strongly puts you at an increased risk for sprains, strains, and other common injuries. With Spring slowly [...]

Preventing Spring Injuries and Helping Ankles With Chiropractic2023-04-06T15:50:41-04:00

Disc and Hip Pain – what can be done about it

Do You Have a Hip Flexor Strain? If you have ever experienced a hip strain, you know how absolute the pain is and how it can affect your walking ability. The cause is often one of a few things, but if you have reached out to us to manage the pain, you have already made [...]

Disc and Hip Pain – what can be done about it2023-03-06T10:44:40-05:00

Become Your Own Valentine and Tips to avoid Slips

Become Your Own Valentine Are you one of the people who looks forward with anticipation to Valentine’s Day? Or is it a day that’s more filled with expectations or even disappointment, that never seems to quite measure up? Whether you have someone you consider your valentine or not, there’s always another option: making yourself your [...]

Become Your Own Valentine and Tips to avoid Slips2023-02-06T09:48:18-05:00

Keeping New Year’s Resolutions and do you really slow down when you get older?

Is Slowing Down Inevitable As You Age? As we move through life’s different stages, we encounter new opportunities and challenges along the way. The average life expectancy has been on the rise, and is now age 80 for men and age 84 for women. Have you considered how to pack the most possible life into [...]

Keeping New Year’s Resolutions and do you really slow down when you get older?2023-01-09T14:40:32-05:00

Ways to prepare for winter and tips to ease muscle tension

Why You Should See Your Chiropractor Before Winter Begins The temperature is quickly dropping, and chilly weather can mean a variety of things to us. For many, the excitement of winter activities like ice skating and tobogganing begin. For others there are winter fairs and markets. For some it’s preparing for the holidays and spending [...]

Ways to prepare for winter and tips to ease muscle tension2022-12-08T08:51:31-05:00

Time to get outside, and safe fall-garden tips

Tips For Safe Hiking We have moved away from the heat of the summer, and many people are making their way outdoors to enjoy the crisp air and changing colours. There are many outdoor fall activities you can enjoy as a family or solo, and hiking has increased in popularity over the past few years. [...]

Time to get outside, and safe fall-garden tips2022-11-10T16:59:17-05:00

Issues with the Hip, and Effective Breathing Techniques

Hip to It Q: What’s the largest joint in the human body?  A: The hip joint. As such, it’s no surprise that the ball-and-socket hip joint can be the cause of numerous health problems. Children and adults alike can be plagued by these difficulties. To understand how they happen, it’s important to take a look [...]

Issues with the Hip, and Effective Breathing Techniques2022-10-06T13:13:07-04:00

Helping Low Back Pain and Cycling Injuries

A Pain in the Tailbone Most of us don’t spend a great deal of time thinking about our spines – that is, until a problem occurs. It’s when the pain sets in that we go about trying to learn all we can about where the issue is coming from, and most importantly: what we can [...]

Helping Low Back Pain and Cycling Injuries2022-09-07T13:59:24-04:00

It’s time to get outside – here are tips to enjoy gardening and golfing

6 Tips to Make the Most of Your Summer Garden For many of us, gardening is a necessary and cathartic part of our summer routine. Walking, hiking, enjoying new hobbies, and gardening remain the number one way people have remained limber over the last few years. Thankfully, these are all fantastic ways to maintain our [...]

It’s time to get outside – here are tips to enjoy gardening and golfing2022-08-08T09:40:02-04:00